By Con
Simply put, the crisis is a result of past government over-spending on
borrowed funds paid with exorbitant interest rates. A situation that could not be
prolonged and would inevitably implode and cascade the country into bankruptcy.
Greece therefore had to ask help from the European Union and the International
Monetary Fund to save itself from absolute poverty. Thus
came into existence the Memoranda, formulated by the EU and the IMF,
prescribing how the country could get out of its dire economic straits.
It is a great fallacy to
believe that the Memoranda are the cause of the continuation of the crisis.
Certainly mistakes were made by the IMF and the EU, but they were not of such
proportions as to sink the country deeper into the morass of the crisis. The
main cause of its durability, was the refusal of both the governments of George
Papandreou and of Tsipras, with the exception of the Samaras Government, to
implement quickly and decisively the reforms and economic restructuring that
would put the country on the track of economic recovery.